Foto Farleir em Preto e Branco

Hello. I'm Farleir.

Yes, just it. This is my first name. It's kind of an unique name in the World, so I decide to register this domain. As you will see, I work with IT and here you can check out what I do, why I do and what I think when I am doing...

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Find a job you love...

...and you will never have to work!

My Regular Job

I work as an IT Analyst in a Federal Public Educational Institution of Brazil located in Florianópolis, in the State of Santa Catarina in the southern of Brazil.

My Family's Living

My father started a company that makes some kind of small energy converters for more than 20 years: To understand what it is, you can check here the Web Site

My Volunteer Work

I am also a volunteer in a NGO called JCI (Junior Chamber International) where young people all over the world are working to create positive changes.

I try to do many things at the same time

But sometimes it doesn't work at all!

My Twitter

Micro Blog

Want to contact me? Get in touch!

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My social connections with the world: